Information Request to Corte Electoral of Uruguay

Today, I submitted a demand for all information related to legal citizens held by the Electoral Court. Uruguay has a strong transparency and public information law. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the Electoral Court has twenty business days to respond. The letter is available here.

The letter is addressed to Dr. Wilfredo Penco, President of the Electoral Court of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. It is a formal request for access to information under Law 18.381, which guarantees public access to information in Uruguay. In the letter, I cite the specific articles of the law that outline the procedures for requesting and obtaining information from public agencies. The letter details the format preferences for information production, requests specific information regarding legal citizenship applications, and emphasizes the obligation of the Electoral Court to organize and provide access to requested information. It also includes in a list format of the requested information and reminds the Electoral Court of the deadline of twenty business days to respond.

Andrew Scott Mansfield

Soy un profesional del derecho que ofrece su experiencia en derecho internacional público y en el cumplimiento de la legislación de los Estados Unidos. Obtuve mis títulos avanzados en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de California en Berkeley y en la Harvard Divinity School. Ahora, con base en Montevideo, Uruguay, estoy posicionado en el centro de las instituciones regionales e internacionales de América del Sur.

Today we request immediate and unconditional access to the records of the Dirección Nacional de Identificación Civil (DNIC)


Versión en español de la presentación ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos referente al PS 189 - Derecho a la nacionalidad y riesgo de apatridia en la legislación