Today we request immediate and unconditional access to the records of the Dirección Nacional de Identificación Civil (DNIC)

I today sent a request pursuant to Law No. 18.381. Uruguay is committed to transparency and government accountability. In particular, I today requested all prior versions of the manual that instructs all employees on how to process identification and passport requests and, secondarily, all information around the period during which the passport and identification card of Uruguay were changed to indicate for the first time that legal citizens were foreigners. In addition, on suspicion that there have been recent email, internal messaging, paper, and other messaging application communication to, by, with, or from Comisario Mayor (R) Jose Luis Rondan Godoy, all communications mentioning nationality, citizneship, or passports was demanded.

Let’s see what we get. If the Dirección Nacional de Identificación Civil plays games, produces less than what we know they have, or otherwise obstructs the march to justice on nationality, nothing could be better for me in the fight for recognition that legal citizens are and always have been nationals of Uruguay as defined by international law.

The information request is at this link.

Let’s get to it. I’m ready.


Andrew Scott Mansfield

Soy un profesional del derecho que ofrece su experiencia en derecho internacional público y en el cumplimiento de la legislación de los Estados Unidos. Obtuve mis títulos avanzados en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de California en Berkeley y en la Harvard Divinity School. Ahora, con base en Montevideo, Uruguay, estoy posicionado en el centro de las instituciones regionales e internacionales de América del Sur.

Nacionalidad / Citizenship: Legal Uruguayan


Information Request to Corte Electoral of Uruguay